The beginnings of doing a reset/detox!!!

I am in my first week of doing the Ultimate Reset by BeachBody. I have done the program a couple times before. I love this program and love the results. But with all the positives, there are also the negatives and the struggle. And let me tell you the struggle is for real!!

I am now on day 5 of the Reset. I have done rather well with sticking to the meal plan and taking the supplements at the correct time. 

Day 1: I was excited to start the program and it started off really well. I had a wonderful breakfast of some eggs and toast. I skipped the kale because I did not have it on hand. This kept me full till lunch when I had a salad and some Miso soup. Simple and tasty. In the middle of the day, I felt the need to have a handful of nuts to keep me going strong till I could get home and eat some dinner. Salmon, asparagus and baby potatoes were on the menu. Again, yummy and filling. Day 1 was a success minus the glass of wine I had that evening to finish a previously opened bottle 🙂

Day 2: Today consisted of Oatmeal, a salad with chicken and then a rice and bean taco with quacamole. Delish but i found myself wanting more so I ate some more of the rice and beans. 

Day 3: Today I opted for Shakeology for breakfast. I was supposed to have Nori Rolls with Tempeh but last time I tempted this feat it was a mess. So instead I switched dinner and lunch. For lunch I had a rice, salmon sushi dish and for dinner I had a lentil-Lime Salad. All together this was filling and only had a handful of nuts to keep me going.

Day 4: Fruit and yogurt – again yum!! Lunch was supposed to be the Nori Rolls so instead I opted for the remainder of the Lentil-Lime Salad. Dinner was an epic fail….Final 4 got me!!! Had a couple of Old Fashions plus 2 fish tacos. So not too bad but still not what was on the menu. The alchol, sugar, and fried fish weren’t not meant to be. I paid for this mistake later that evening :-/ This was mainly due to the fact that I don’t normally eat fried food and of all times I choose to do so… Oy Vey!!! That mistake will not be happening again. Kaboom is all I need to say

Day 5: This is today!!! So far I have had water and some oatmeal with apples and cinnamon. Super filling and it will last me till lunch when I get to have a Quinoa Salad

Thoughts:  So far so good! (minus the one epic fail last night). I am already down one to two pounds plus let bloat and feeling good!! I will keep posting on this because I believe in it so much and the results are amazing even with a mistake here and there. 

Time to get this temple back to where it needs to be!!!

Have a wonderful Sunday!!!


For more info on the Ultimate Reset and check it out for yourself, go to



It has been a while since I last posted. A lot has been going on and most of it in my head and with my thoughts. Finding a direction seems like such a simple thing to do. Walk out the door and take a right! Or a left! Maybe even keep on going straight. But the most important thing to do is to get up and open that door and just go! This is where I find myself today. I am ready to get up and go. As a matter of fact I am already up but I don’t know where to go. I know that I need to find a new job, not necessarily a new career but something different than what I am doing. The biggest obstacle is finding something that I like doing that will also pay the bills. Have you ever had this dilemma? Am I the only one who is not willing to be complacent? I know a few of my friends are not necessarily happy with their jobs but at the same time they are not doing anything to change it. I find myself being and feeling more productive at home then when I am work. Not to mention the happiness and self-gratification that comes along with it. I know patience is something I need and to keep. 

So now I stand at the door but unsure which way to go and how to survive financially with the decision I make.

Game Day!

Today for many of the american population, is a day of beer, fried food, banter, and friends. But it also marks a day that is sad and gives many a sense of longing. This is because today marks the day that football will no longer be on and we have to patiently wait for the draft, then preseason and of course the actual season. I am actually more of a fan of college football so my season will be here before the NFL begins. So thats a relief…

Although I like other sports, but only becoming a fan when its playoffs and championship time. 

So heres to forgoing the healthy stuff and bellying up to beer, nachos, pizza, wings, whatever comes my way!!!


Meal Planning

So…. I was doing a little bit of research to begin my journey to better health and fitness. I am interested in doing a healthy balance of protein, fat and carbs. Also, what to eat and when to eat it. After doing the research, this seems to be a tad overwhelming! I get the idea of what proteins are best for us. This I think is just instilled in us from back in the day. Chicken, fish, lean red meat, turkey, etc…

Now to move on to the more complicated side of the research…carbs and fats. Um…hello. We have always been told that these are bad for us and will lead to weight gain and heart attacks!!! This is going to be challenging to change something that is instilled in the mind of a young female (thanks to Cosmo, Seventeen, InStyle, etc.). Not that any of these magazines are reputable in the health industry but they have been good entertainment for plane rides, mani/pedis, poolside for the past 15 years!

Back to the topic of carbs and fats. So its best to keep carbs that are above the 60 mark on the Glycemic Index off the diet plan. This actaully excludes watermelon!! What?!?!? I thought this was one of the best fruits to eat because it was low in calories, full of water and delicious. Nope! I am wrong! It a good carb for before or after a workout but other than that it is best to leave it off the menu! Insert sad face 😦 Although this is something I can live with because there are a lot of other amazing choices below that ever-daunting 60 mark! (

Fats – the forever dreaded word for most of the American population. I know there are good fats and bad fats but there are some that I would consider borderline. Again, I am wrong! Long story short, stay away from anything that is a solid fat at room temperature but liquid once heated! Okay, this I can handle. So that means, fatty meats, dairy, and oils. I do love me some cheese though.

Okay now that I have put this on paper (digital paper), I am feeling more confident on my food choices in the future!! The next challenge to be conquered is how much of each that is best for my build, fitness level etc. And even more difficult…how in the hell do I know how much protein, fat, carbs are in each of the ingredients I use everyday. Yikes!!! But heres to having faith that I can do it and add some wonderful and delish recipes to my meal planning menu! I will keep you posted!


Mid-life crisis! or A Calling?

Do you ever have deep, in-your-soul feelings/thoughts that you cannot shake? I have been trying to shake mine for the past year or so. Maybe this is what one would consider a ‘calling’. 

As far as what my calling is, i have yet to figure it out. I do know that currently I am just plain out not happy, not satisfied with my current job. I feel as though it is just that, a job! Not a career, not a want-to-do but just a job! I know that I want to help people. And I don’t mean helping people by going to the local soup kitchen or giving a dollar a day to Sally Struthers to help the children of Africa. I mean the everyday person. The family down the street who is having trouble making ends meet; the guy in the cubicle next to you who is having problems getting motivated to go to the gym or eat healthy; the girl you see everyday drinking the latte while on her MAC who is having personal issues and feels she has no one to talk to. The everyday average Joe. 

I have already taken steps to start helping those who need some fitness motivation. And by start I mean, crawling before walking. I ultimately would like to be able to do something where I am eventually able to walk away from my current full-time job. I know this will not happen anytime soon but today I am making a promise to myself to go out of my comfort zone and find what my true calling is. I have to believe in myself before anyone will take me seriously!



What does it take for someone to be motivated? To go out of the comfort zone? 

There are millions books out there. Not to mention, pictures, quotes, etc. How does one have the motivation to sort through all the options? Its exhausting. And not to mention will one even have motivation or inspiration after reading the book? Is taking the time to read the book taking away from the time to get stuff done? Working out, studying, breaking  habits, building faith, etc….


Lucky Black Eyed Peas?

Every New Year’s Day I remember going to my grandmother’s house to eat, at a minimum, a spoonful of black eyed peas. And these weren’t the peas that were taken out of a can and put in the microwave for a minute. These were fresh peas that had been simmering on the stove for several hours that morning. As a child I hated having to eat them. Now I miss being a part of these traditions. This tradition is meant to bring one good luck in the new year! But where did this tradition come from and why is it only in the South???

After doing some quick research…it seems to have started during the times of the Civil War. It seems that the peas were only suitable for animals according to the troops. The pea plant was originally planted along the edge of fields to enrich the soil with nitrogen and cattle would graze off the plants. During the marches through the south by the Union soldiers, the pea plants were the only crop spared. Therefore, the peas ultimately saved the Confederate soldiers from starvation and thus begun the symbolism and association of the black eyed pea and good luck!!

peasNow after that hisotry lesson…back to the present. I did not have my spoonful of black eyed peas for the new year. Although a lot of amazing things have happened the past few years, there has also been a fair share of ‘bad’ things happen. After thinking through some of the events, good and bad, I cannot associate any of them with having luck. So hopefully, this year my good luck is still here with me in the new year! I suppose I have 363 days to find out…

Resolutions…to do or not to do?

Every year I always make resolutions; most of which I never stick to. I also make goals, changes, ultimatums on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. And they are always almost the same each time

  • health – improve
  • finance – save more, spend less
  • be happy
  • be selfless
  • strenth – find it, build it
  • be better in every way!

So I will post these and stick to these.

Started P90x3… today is day 2. I am sore from day one. But so far I really like the program. 30 min a day! I am also trying to stick to the food plan and plan out my weekly meals. This is a lot more difficult than what I thought it would be :-/ I will continue to keep posting updates on the progess and how I have changed/feel with the program.


  • 142 lbs
  • classic
  • 1500 calories/day approx